Welcome to SnakeCreations
Snakes are coming out of brumation for 2025 planned pairings! Keep an eye on the Current Project Page below!
Snakes are coming out of brumation for 2025 planned pairings! Keep an eye on the Current Project Page below!
What ya got?
Where ya been?
From time to time, I re-evaluate my projects and make snakes available. Take a look:
Greetings fellow snake lovers! My name is Tonya, and I've been keeping and breeding corn snakes for well over 30 years. I have been a part of the corn snake community since 2006. I don't breed for the latest and greatest, but for for what I am interested in which is pretty whimsical and changes from year to year. I handle my snakes a lot so they come pretty docile and easy to handle. Take a look around, and if you're in the market for a new pet, or addition to your collection, I always have a few extra babies lying around. :)